Nannie Brambles lives with Carpet, her basset hound « who hates children». Every morning, she watches her favorite soap opera, « A pink rose on the wall », and then mows her lawn.
Leopold is sent outside by his grandmother to take a breath of fresh air and clear out the thickets swarming with brambles.
He hears snickering … and scratches himself!
When night falls, Nannie Brambles prepares a soup…
…a nettle soup!
Fear and its chimeras hide within the shade of the scratching and thorny brambles. Where to find consolation when you’re six years old and your grandmother terrifies you?
A shadow puppet theatre that keeps the spectators sitting on the edge of their seats. From 6 years old.
Concept & shadows : Théodora Ramaekers
Staging : Manah Depauw
Interpretation of shadows : Virginie Gardin
Théodora Ramaekers
Music, sound effects : Jean-Luc Millot
Mange tes ronces ! MOQUETTE PRODUCTION (Belgium)
Tour manager : Anne Jaspard
+32 (0)85 23 20 05
Creation : 2015.
Co-production : le Centre Culturel du Brabant Wallon. Support : La Roseraie, le Centre Culturel de Schaerbeek, La Fabrique de Théâtre, le Centre de la Marionnette de la Fédération de Wallonie-Bruxelles.